Car and Motor vehicle accident, Work injuries, Sports injuries. Age and postural related complaints. Maintenance treatment and over all wellness.
Chiropractic subluxations, strain/sprains and other pathologies.
Thorough, examination and evaluation.
Chiropractic Manual adjusting, drop table and instrumented manipulation (Activator). Spinal neck and back and extremities, arms, legs, hands, feet
Myofascial trigger point muscle work.
Injury and sports taping, supports
Referral to appropriate practitioner for conditions not treatable in this office.
Instructions in appropriate exercise and postural support programs. Work, home and sports accommodations, for faster healing and adaptations for chronic conditions, Kinesiology.
Dr Peffer and his office are available for Impairment/Disability exams, for Workers Comp Auto and other.
L&I 120 day consults, and IME's and Auto.
Mixed Medical Panels work out of our office.
Dr Peffer also dose File Review and Legal Work.